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Tips Windows 7

Haiiii tmen – tmen Bloger… udah ada yanng pernah coba Windows 7 belon? ini sedikit iformasi…

1. Agar Lagu MP3 tetap utuh Windows 7 memiliki kelemahan di Windows Player 12 karena bug jahat yang dimilikinya. Bug ini otomatis akan menambahkan metadata yang hilang, termasuk album art. Masalahnya hal ini bisa mengakibatkan file tersebut tidak utuh lagi. Untuk memperbaikinya, install updatenya dari situs Microsoft.

2. Klik Kanan yang Makin Sakti * Klik kanan pada bagian kosong di desktop untuk mengatur resolusi layar, jadi tak perlu melalui display setting dulu. * Klik kanan pada ikon Explore di taskbar, untuk mengakses folder sistem yang umum digunakan seperti Documents, Pictures, dan lainnya dengan lebih cepat. * Sedangkan bila tidak ingin menggunakan Internet Explorer dan ingin memindahkannya dari taksbar, klik kanan saja pada ikon IE, lalu pilih “Unpin this program from the taskbar”, kemudian instal browser lain.

3. Jalan pintas (shortcut) pada keyboard * Alt+P: Untuk menampikan atau menyembunyikan tampilan jendela Explorer * Windows Logo+G: Menampilkan gadget di muka windows-windows lainnya * Windows Logo++ (tombol plus): Zoom in * Windows Logo+- (tombol minus): Zoom out * Windows Logo+Up: Memperbesar ukuran window * Windows Logo+Down: Memperkecil ukuran window * Windows Logo+Left: Bergerak menuju sisi kiri layar * Windows Logo+Right: Bergerak menuju sisi kanan layar * Windows Logo+Home: Meminimize/merestore window lain kecuali yang sedang ditampilkan

4. Mengatur UAC (User Account Control) Jengkel dengan banyaknya ‘peringatan’ (alert) seperti pada Windows Vista? Aturlah dengan langkah berikut: Start -> Control Panel -> Change User Account Control Settings.

5. Menulis Cakram Digital Windows 7 akhirnya menyediakan layanan untuk mem-’burn’ file ISO langsung ke bentuk CD atau DVD. Untuk memudahkannya, tinggal double klik pada file tersebut, pilih drive dengan disk kosong lalu klik Burn.

6. Akses video lebih cepat Klik kanan pada menu Start, lalu menuju Properties -> Start Menu -> Customize, dan set pilihan video pada “Display as a link”. Kini bisa mengakses folder video dengan langkah singkat. 7. Bagi Flickr Memiliki account di Flickr? Untuk mempercepat membukanya, kunjungilah situs I Started Something, kemudian downloadlah Connector-nya, lalu pilih Open. Dengan ini, “Flickr Search’ akan ditambahkan di folder Searches, pun bisa mencari foto lewat desktop . Gampang kan?

Download Windows 7 Lewat MSDN ato TechNet

Microsoft, lewat webnya beberapa waktu lalu mengumumkan akan kehadiran Windows 7 Release Candidate. Dan dapat didownload langsung dari website technet atau MSDN. Donwload agak beribet sih menurut saya, jadi ketika sudah muncul java installer untuk menunjukkan download progres, saya copy saja link di addres bar.
Dan link ini saya paste-kan di "new task"nya, flashget. Muncul tab download task-nya lalu saya klik OK...
Penuh dag dig dug lalu eng ing eng.....
Proses downloadnya berjalan. Lumayan cepat sih walau speed-nya cuma berkisar antara 70Kb/s - 150 Kb/s.
Kalo rekan mau coba download Windows 7 Release Candidate (Window 7 RC), link berikut bisa dicoba lho?

Saran saya copy dan paste-kan pada new task Download Accelerator (kalo saya pake Flash Get), kalau kamu apa?

Kalau mau, serial number yang asli dari Microsoft tlog kasih komentar nanti saya kirim langsung ke e-mail rekan2... gimana?

Download langsung juga bisa, klik gambar berikut :

Windows 7 SKU Editions and Feature Sets

Broad application and device compatibility with up to three concurrent applications.
Safe, reliable, and supported.
Home Group makes it easy to share media, documents, and printers across multiple PCs in offices without a domain.
Improved Windows Taskbar and Jump Lists.

Broad application and device compatibility with unlimited concurrent applications.
Safe, reliable, and supported.
Home Group makes it easy to share media, documents, and printers across multiple PCs in offices without a domain.
Improved Taskbar and Jump Lists.
Live thumbnail previews and an enhanced visual experience.
Advanced networking support (ad hoc wireless networks and Internet connection sharing).
Windows Mobility Center

Broad application and device compatibility with unlimited concurrent applications.
Safe, reliable, and supported.
Home Group makes it easy to share media, documents, and printers across multiple PCs in offices without a domain.
Improved Taskbar and Jump Lists.
Live thumbnail previews and an enhanced visual experience.
Advanced networking support (ad hoc wireless networks and Internet connection sharing).
Mobility Center.
Windows Aero transparent glass design and advanced Windows navigation.
Easy networking and sharing across all your PCs and devices.
Improved media format support, enhancements to Windows Media Center and media streaming, including Play To.
Multitouch and improved handwriting recognition.

Broad application and device compatibility with unlimited concurrent applications.
Safe, reliable, and supported.
Home Group makes it easy to share media, documents, and printers across multiple PCs in offices without a domain.
Improved Taskbar and Jump Lists.
Live thumbnail previews and an enhanced visual experience.
Advanced networking support (ad hoc wireless networks and Internet connection sharing).
Mobility Center.
Aero transparent glass design and advanced Windows navigation.
Easy networking and sharing across all your PCs and devices.
Improved media format support, enhancements to Windows Media Center and media streaming, including Play To.
Multitouch and improved handwriting recognition.
Domain Join enables simple and secure server networking.
Encrypting File System protects data with advanced network backup.
Location Aware Printing helps find the right printer when moving between the office and home.
Windows XP Mode enables customers to run many Windows XP productivity applications.

Broad application and device compatibility with unlimited concurrent applications.
Safe, reliable, and supported.
Home Group makes it easy to share media, documents, and printers across multiple PCs in offices without a domain.
Improved Taskbar and Jump Lists.
Live thumbnail previews and an enhanced visual experience.
Advanced networking support (ad hoc wireless networks and Internet connection sharing).
Mobility Center.
Aero transparent glass designand advanced Windows navigation.
Easy networking and sharing across all your PCs and devices.
Improved media format support, enhancements to Windows Media Center and media streaming, including Play To.
Multitouch and improved handwriting recognition.
Domain Join enables simple and secure server networking.
Encrypting File System protects data with advanced network backup.
Location Aware Printing helps find the right printer when moving between the office and home.
Windows XP Mode enables customers to run many Windows XP productivity applications.
BitLocker protects data on removable devices.
DirectAccess links users to corporate resources from the road without a virtual private network (VPN).
BranchCache makes if faster to open files and Web pages from a branch office.
AppLocker easily restricts unauthorized software and enables greater security.

Note: Windows 7 Ultimate includes all Windows 7 Enterprise features, plus multiple-language packs.
The Optimized Desktop and Software Assurance
Windows 7 Enterprise is part of the Microsoft Optimized Desktop, which also includes the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) suite of management, deployment, and virtualization tools.

If your PCs are covered by Software Assurance when Windows 7 is released, then you automatically get the rights to deploy Windows 7 Enterprise to those PCs without an additional license fee (media fulfillment fees may apply).

Microsoft is committed to delivering continual innovation to enterprise customers through Software Assurance with more regular releases of Windows, additional value in Windows 7 Enterprise, and regular updates of the Desktop Optimization Pack.

What’s New with Windows 7 RC

Windows XP Mode Beta
Help your small-business customers leverage their existing investments in Windows XP applications as they make the move to Windows 7. Windows XP Mode enables Windows 7 Professional customers to run many Windows XP productivity applications. You can optimize productivity by launching Windows XP applications from the Windows 7 desktop through Windows Virtual PC.Note: Windows XP Mode isn’t included as part of the Windows 7 RC download. Install the Windows XP Mode Beta.

Remote Media Streaming
Remote media streaming enables you and your customers to securely access home-based digital media libraries remotely over the Internet from another Windows 7 PC.

Windows 7 Resources by Partner Type

Select your partner type and find Windows 7 resources tailored to helping you provide solutions to meet your customers’ needs.
Windows 7 for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs)
Windows 7 for Services Partners
Windows 7 for Value Added Resellers (VARs) and Distributors
Windows 7 for Large Account Resellers (LARs)
Windows 7 for System Builders

Featured Windows 7 Resources

Business Value of Selling and Implementing Windows 7 and Windows Internet Explorer 8 Online Course
Learn about the overarching vision for and new key features and benefits of Windows 7 and Windows Internet Explorer 8. Then share your knowledge with your customers.
Windows Demo Toolkit
Use this toolkit to build and develop a Windows demo PC. And find demo scripts to follow when presenting to your customers.

Windows 7 Release Candidate Download on May 5th, 2009

As the next-generation operating system from Microsoft, Windows 7 opens new development, sales, and services opportunities for your business. With Windows 7, you can offer your customers a robust foundation for high-quality experiences across applications, services, PCs, and devices.
We're excited to announce the availability of Windows 7 Release Candidate (RC), a prerelease version of the next-generation operating system from Microsoft. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Beta testing period; your feedback was invaluable in helping the Microsoft engineering team make Windows 7 the best Microsoft operating system to date.
Test-drive Windows 7 RC today. Then show your colleagues and customers how Windows 7 can improve management, security, reliability, and performance.

Download Windows 7 RC

Partners: If you have a subscription to MSDN or TechNet, you can download Windows 7 RC now. Otherwise, you can download Windows 7 RC starting May 5, 2009.

Participate in the Windows 7 Forum : Share your experiences and learn what other partners and IT professionals are saying about Windows 7.

Path to Windows 7 RC

If you’re running Windows 7 Beta or the Windows XP operating system, you’ll need to back up data and perform a clean installation of Windows 7 RC. After installing, reinstall applications and restore your files. If you’re running the Windows Vista operating system, you can upgrade to Windows 7 RC. Learn more about installing the Windows 7 operating system.

Shutdown Schedule for Windows 7 Beta and Windows 7 RC

To avoid interruption, it’s recommended that you and your customers rebuild test machines by using a valid Windows operating system before Windows 7 Beta and Windows 7 RC expire. Windows will automatically notify you that the expiration process is about to begin. Two weeks later, your PC will shut down every two hours. For Windows 7 Beta, the bihourly shutdowns will begin July 1, 2009. The software will expire August 1, 2009. For Windows 7 RC, the bihourly shutdowns will begin March 1, 2010. The software will expire June 1, 2010.

Peserta Test EPS KLPT tahun 2009 yang Tidak Memenuhi Persyaratan Usia

Untuk lihat ke website langsung klik link di bawah :

atau Download dapat klik link di bawah :

Surat Pelaksanaan Test EPS-KLPT tahun 2009

Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 52 Gedung A - Jakarta, Telp. (021) 79197318; 79197321; Fax. (021) 79194827
PO BOX. 4451 JKTM 12700, Website :

Jakarta, April 2009

Nomor : B. / PEN-PPP / IV / 2009
Lampiran : 1 (satu) berkas
Perihal : Pelaksanaan Test EPS-KLT tahun 2009

Kepada Yth :
Calon Peserta Tes KLT 2009
di –

Dengan Hormat,

1. Sehubungan dengan surat kami Nomor PEN 381/PEN-PPP/III/2009 tanggal 18 Maret 2009 tentang pengumuman test EPS-KLT tahun 2009 di website bnp2tki : dan berdasarkan surat HRD Korea Nomor EPS-KLT 269 tanggal 10 Maret 2009 tentang petunjuk pelaksanaan pendaftaran test EPS-KLT tahun 2009 bahwa:

a) Kualifikasi/Persyaratan Peserta Test EPS-KLT tahun 2009 adalah umur antara 18 s/d 39 tahun (kelahiran antara 11 Mei 1970 dan 10 Mei 1991)

b) Peserta harus memiliki fotocopy KTP/Passpor dan ditempelkan pada formulir pendaftaran, serta mengisi formulir pendaftaran dengan benar.

c) Ketika mendaftarkan diri untuk ikut test EPS-KLT peserta harus memilih industri tertentu yang diharapkan ia dapat bekerja di Korea, perubahan tidak boleh dilakukan kemudian.

2. Berdasarkan hasil seleksi/penelitian Tim Penanggung Jawab test EPS-KLT 2009 HRD Korea bahwa terdapat peserta pendaftar Test EPS-KLT 2009 yang tidak memenuhi ketentuan prosedur pendaftaran yaitu :

a) Adanya peserta pendaftaran yang belum berusia 18 tahun dan peserta yang sudah berusia lebih dari 39 tahun.
b) Adanya peserta pendaftaran yang tidak mengisi formulir pendaftaran dengan benar yaitu :

* Tidak mengisi formulir pendaftaran khususnya pada kolom KTP/Passpor dengan benar.
* Tidak mengisi tanggal lahir dengan benar.
* Mengisi kolom pemilihan jenis pekerjaan lebih dari satu jenis pekerjaan.

3. Berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut diatas, maka kami sampaikan bahwa :

a) Pendaftar calon peserta test tersebut yang tidak memenuhi kriteria kualifikasi umur 18 s/d 39 tahun dan peserta yang tidak mengisi formulir kolom ID Number/ nomor KTP/Passpor, serta kesalahan pengisian tanggal lahir tidak diperkenankan mengikuti test EPS-KLT 2009.
b) Pendaftar calon peserta test yang memilih lebih dari satu jenis kategori industri pilihan pekerjaan
( industry- double checking ) di tetapkan memilih industri Manufaktur / pilihan pertama.

4) Bagi pendaftar calon peserta test yang tidak memenuhi kriteria seperti point 3a di atas yang tidak diperkenankan mengikuti test EPS-KLT 2009, agar menghubungi panitia pendaftaran/ universitas tempat saudara mendaftarkan diri untuk konfirmasi pengembalian uang pendaftaran test yang telah disetorkan.

Demikian kami sampaikan , agar maklum. Terima kasih.

Direktur Pelayanan Penempatan Pemberangkatan

Drs Wayan Mandi, MM
NIP. 130514957

Tembusan :
1. Deputi Bidang Penempatan BNP2TKI
2. Direktur Perwakilan HRD Korea di Jakarta
3. Panitia Pendaftaran Test EPS-KLT di enam wilayah

Untuk download surat dari website aslinya klik link dibawah :